Omaha Creative Group

Refresh: A new face for an old brand

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Abilities Used

Project Role

Lead Creative (Omaha Steaks)


Omaha Steaks


Marketing & Art


Team Building

Color Palette


The proof is in the communication

Lacking a unique look and feel that is much needed for an in-house advertising group, The Omaha Creative Group or OCG located within Omaha Steaks, greatly craved an update. Since they are the reason behind Omaha Steak's new brand positioning - pushing the slogan "America's Original Butcher" to the forefront of their advertising – they thought that their own brand needed a fresh face to align with this forward progression.

The daily in-and-outs within OCG rely heavily on communication between Project Managers, Designers, Managers, Copyrighters and even those within the Marketing and B2B sectors. This alone was the idea behind the logo – featuring overlapping conversation bubbles which translate to their transparency and openness to changing work. In a field that requires constant product pricing alterations and ways of conveying new ideas to Omaha Steaks consumers, this logo is a creative take on their processes.


visual identity


